September 16, 2010

to think about....

Hey Guys

Here is an interesting collection of global warming posters to get you thinking.
a collection of Keynote and Powerpoint themes, for when you need to presentations but are feeling uncreative as to the design, use these, instead of the poor standard ones that come with the programs.

September 6, 2010


Hey Guys

Here is one of the better ones out there, from the world of independent redesigns of big companies. Essentially there is a bunch of Graphic Designers out there, who take it upon themselves to redesign the image of a major company as a personal project, not for profit, just for portfolio! Might be a great idea for you guys to try... Anyway, this ones a redesign of the U.S. Postal Service Identity!

and while i'm posting....

Check out this artist Mark Fox, his work is sort of organised chaos, quite interesting! not only that, but one of his works features on the album cover of 'The National's' newest album, one of my favourites!

September 2, 2010

Thats what its called...

We completed an exercise with flash last term, where we did this thing with text...
That thing has a name, its called Kinetic Typography!