Contained below are the links to each non face to face lesson as they are created.

Outcome Covered - H1.2, a student identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques and describes the impact of new and developing technologies in industry.

Outcome Covered - H4.2, a student explores the need to outsource appropriate expertise where necessary to complement personal practical skills.

Outcome Covered - H6.2, a student applies the principles of quality and quality control.

Outcome Covered - H3.1, a student is skilled in sketching, producing and interpreting drawings.

Outcome Covered - H1.1, a student investigates industry through the study of businesses in one focus area.

Outcome Covered - H5.1, a student selects and uses communication and information processing skills.

Outcome Covered - H4.3 critically applies knowledge and skills related to properties and characteristics of materials/components

Outcome Covered - H1.2 identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques and describes the impact of new and developing technologies in industry
Outcome Covered - H1.2 identifies appropriate equipment, production and manufacturing techniques and describes the impact of new and developing technologies in industry