Smashing Magazine
Great online graphic design magazine, updated every day with new information and useful articles.
Logo Pond
Helpful inspiration for logo design, some very sharp ideas here.
Lost as E Minor
Website that covers design in all forms, art, photography, products, advertising etc. Updated daily with fresh ideas.
Draplin Design Co.
An excellant designer from Portland, Oregon, USA. Markets himself very well and create some extremely classy designs.
Nothing (design company)
A very inventive web design company that markets itself as a group of aliens from outer space. Interesting...
Board of Studies
The official website for course information, exam past papers and updates.
Course Syllabus
The things that we need to cover in the course, worth looking at and getting to know.
2009 HSC Paper
Helpful for preparing yourself for future exams and to familiarise yourself with what is going to come.
Other Past Papers
Also very helpful for your exam preparations.
IP Australia
The site to go to, to find out everything you need to know about intellectual property, what it is, how to protect it and how to avoid breaking the law.
A great site to find vectorised version of popular logo's.
Here is a whole lot of links that vary in nature, but all relate to design. Includes tutorials, free fonts, wallpapers etc.