HSC Major Project Guide
This is a handbook that has been designed as a guide to students as they embark upon the completion of a Major Design Project (MDP) as part of their studies in Industrial Technology Multimedia (ITM). It is by no means an extensive guide and does not claim to contain EVERYTHING needed to complete the MDP; rather it has been complied as an introductory guide to completing a major project that aligns to the Board of Studies (BOS) standards.
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Course Syllabus
This document should always be your first point of call for everything concerned with this course. It contains all the outcomes and learn about/learn to's that you need to achieve in order to be awarded your certificate in the course. This document also contains helpful information for completing you major design project and folio.

Year 11 Assessment Schedule
The official school document outlining the major assessments for year 11 Industrial Technology Multimedia. Helpful for understanding the outcomes covered in each assessment, as well as due dates, percentages and component weightings.

Year 12 Assessment Schedule
The official school document outlining the major assessments for HSC year Industrial Technology Multimedia. Helpful for understanding the outcomes covered in each assessment, as well as due dates, percentages and component weightings.

Graphic Design 101 Presentation
A slideshow adapted from an article of Smashing Magazine entitled "how to drastically improve your designs". Covers a few of the basics, with a focus on the sic "C's" of graphic design. Worth looking through and gaining a thorough understanding of.

Adobe Developed Resources
A couple of years ago, Adobe began to develop courses that could be run at schools etc. This is the link to some of those resources. They have a course in Digital Design, Visual Design and Digital Video. May be of great help to some of you undertaking MDP's using adobe software.  

Applied Branding Presentation
A slideshow adapted from an article of Smashing Magazine entitled "What's Brand?". Covers the idea that a brand is more than just the creation of a logo, but must represent the companies culture and goals.

2009 HSC Marking Notes
These are the notes from the HSC marking centre, they will give you a great idea as to what you may need to work on ready for the handing in of your MDP and Folio.

User Centred Web Design Presentation
A slideshow adapted from an article off Smashing Magazine entitled "30 Usability Issues to be Aware of". Covers the concepts that need to be considered before commencing a new web design.

Graphic Design Process
A slideshow adapted from an article off Smashing Magazine entitled "The Price is Right: Breaking Down the Design Process". Covers the various steps that could be included in a standard process for Graphic Designers

Planet of Tunes
Excellant reference resource with a stacks of information relevant to the subject.