December 22, 2010

Last post for 2010!

Okay guys, before I bow out for 2010, let me share a couple more links with you!

Information is Beautiful - Website based around info-graphics and the presentation of information in interesting and intelligent ways.

Google Docs Animation - I love it when people push the boundaries of what can be done with the basics. These guys push the boundaries of google docs.

Comic Sans Criminal - You know how I always go on about how bad comic sans is... well this guy has created a website about it.

Examples of HTML 5 websites - You should all be keeping up to date with what it can do, so check out these websites.

Have a great Christmas eh!

December 17, 2010

A Little Holiday Reading!

Okay Guys,
Here is some stuff to digest over the holidays;
Video on Pixels in Images and Resolution, Essential viewing, you must watch this!
A Good article on Font Choice

Okay, sink yer teeth into those, and ill post a few more in a coupla weeks!

December 9, 2010

HTML 5 article

Another one for you Sam
HTML 5 Article from Smashing Magazine.

December 2, 2010