September 22, 2011


Hey Guys!
Here is a great article that outlines a range of jobs that you might consider in the Graphic Design Industry!!!

September 20, 2011

Typography in Websites!

Heres another good article that discusses some techniques when applying typography to websites, very useful for year 11 students!!!

September 19, 2011

Go Have a Read!

Here are some interesting posts that are worth checking out!
Case studies of Infographics.
Cool beverage bottle designs!
Have Fun eh!

September 7, 2011

More than just an infographic!!!

This is an excellent example of extending the potential for info-graphics, nice and interactive!!!
also, using digital media to help promote awareness for a cause again!!!
This sort of thing could be a great year 12 project!!!


A worthwhile article to read about resolution!!!
Year 11, you guys MUST read this one!

September 2, 2011

A few good ones from Lost at E Minor

Check these out!
A cool photo blog where people take a photo whilst holding another one that had previously been taken in the same spot! sounds strange, but looks very cool!

Good product design often makes me consider good graphic design, after all, even product design is about good communication! Check out this guy, I smiled at the simple cleverness of his ideas!