February 29, 2012

Some cool stuff!

Here are two talented and creative people at work!
This guy fills up ugly potholes by turning them into mini gardens!

And here is a guy called Chris Fraser who makes some amazing light artworks!

I found both of these at Lost at E Minor this morning!

February 28, 2012

Cool Concept...

Hey Guys
Check out this video for a song by an artist I like, his name is Graham Coxon, he used to be the guitarist in Blur!
The concept was to get a whole bunch of people to film themselves and then add it together to make this...
Looks kinda interesting, could be the sorta thing that makes a good major project.

Great Paper Artwork!

Check out these guys!
They have created some amazing paper sculptures!
Zim & Zou

February 27, 2012

Cool Tumblr

Check out this, its a little addictive.
Things Organised Neatly

February 23, 2012

Cool Designer

This Guy has some very cool designs, both graphic and product!

Anton Repponen

Like this...

February 21, 2012

Cool Year 11 Project

This video has been done as a year 11 project for another school!

This is cool!

Mitch B, you'll love these!

Sunnies made from old skate decks!


February 16, 2012

Great Resource!

This will be extremely useful for YOU YEAR 12!!!

Especially as we look at sound compression

Planet of Tunes

February 13, 2012


Hey Guys!

Just so your aware, relevant assessment outline sheets and the HSC guide booklet have been updated on their pages, ready for you to download!


February 10, 2012

Very Cool!

A Proposal in Stop Motion from FIREPIT PICTURES on Vimeo.

This guy made this very cool stop motion video using Lego, to propose to his girlfriend!!! So Cool!

February 9, 2012

February 8, 2012

We have a Date!!!

Okay guys!

Important news!

Year 12 ITM Major work will be due this year on Monday, 13th August.

Put this date in your diary, the countdown has been modified to reflect this date!

February 7, 2012

Check this stuff out!

Spotted this on Designspiration this morning, very cool!


Go check these out, 15 fantastic data visualisations!
Saw them on smashing magazine!

especially love these two;
History of Apple
Evolution of Game Controllers